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What Is A Direct Bonded Composite Veneer?

One of the most impressive aspects of modern dentistry is that there are so many ways to improve a patient’s smile, depending on their situation, budget, and desired outcomes.  Today, there is an option to fit just about anyone who wants to make their teeth look nicer.

Veneers are one of the most popular methods.  A veneer is a layer of new material which is directly bonded onto the front of existing teeth, to create a new look.  There are several types of veneers, but the most common are either porcelain veneers or composite veneers, which are sometimes also called direct bonded veneers.

In this blog, our Dr. Christopher Moore and Associates team want to briefly discuss what a composite veneer is, and how it differs from porcelain veneers.

Understanding How Direct Bonded Composite Veneers Work

A composite veneer is a veneer made of a white resin, which is crafted directly by your dentist.  This is then bonded straight onto your tooth, using extremely strong glues.

The big advantage to composite veneers is that they are both cheaper and easier than porcelain veneers.  A porcelain veneer must be created in a lab, and typically requires two or three separate dental appointments to fully apply.  The process generally takes a week or two.  A composite veneer, on the other hand, can often be created and applied in the very same session!

However, it’s important to choose your cosmetic dentist wisely, as his or her artistic skill is what will determine how well the composite veneer matches your other teeth.

When properly applied, a composite veneer could do the following:

  • Improve whiteness, more than bleaching techniques.
  • Make a smile seem wider
  • Correct minor chipping, tooth wear, or spacing problems.

However, veneers cannot create major changes to your teeth, smile, or mouth shape.  They can only do a little to disguise misaligned teeth.  More severe dental issues will still require more elaborate work to fix.

Disadvantages of Composite Veneers

There is no “magic bullet” cosmetic dentistry procedure, and composite veneers are no exception.

The resins used in a composite veneer are not as strong as porcelain, and they will therefore be more likely to become chipped and scratched with use.  On the other hand, they are also relatively easy to repair – which is also a single-appointment job.  Likewise, they will become less glossy over time, but again, are fairly easy to re-polish.

The larger issue is that resin-based veneers will become darker over time, as well as being vulnerable to staining.  The expected lifespan of a single set of composite resin veneers is around 7-10 years.  After that, they will need to be replaced.

By comparison, porcelain veneers are stronger, more resistant to damage, and far less likely to become dark/stained.  Their expected lifespan is closer to 15-20 years.

Get Top Cosmetic Dentistry from Dr. Christopher Moore and Associates

Are composite or porcelain veneers better?  It just depends on your situation. Just schedule an appointment, and we can evaluate your options!


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